A shockwave has swept through the cryptocurrency market following the burning of 500 ETH (equivalent to about $1.38 million) and donations of 1,950 ETH (approximately $5.35 million) to organizations such as WikiLeaks and Ukraine. The perpetrator behind these astonishing actions, Hu Lezhi, has made even more astonishing allegations: he claims that executives at a Chinese hedge fund, Kuande Investment (WizardQuant), are using “brain-computer weapons” to control their employees.
A million dollar burn with purpose?
The ETH burn and large-scale donations have raised a number of questions. Why would someone burn such a large amount of money and then donate an even larger amount? The answer, according to Lezhi, is that he is trying to draw attention to an alleged dystopian crime: the mind manipulation of individuals through advanced technology. In his donation, Lezhi left the following message: “A new model of victim enslavement crime has emerged today. Victims’ desires and senses