During the Token2049 event in Dubai, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, made an exciting announcement that could revolutionize the world of digital assets. Durov revealed his ambitious plans to transform stickers and emojis into valuable digital assets using non-fungible tokens (NFTs), leveraging blockchain technology from The Open Network (TON).
By converting these visual elements into NFTs, users will not only have ownership rights but also the ability to monetize these popular digital assets. Durov pointed out Telegram’s previous success with username tokenization, which generated an impressive $350 million in sales, with creators receiving 95% of the profits.
Durov believes that integrating NFTs into everyday communication has the potential to go viral. To illustrate this, he mentioned the example of the “smoking duck” sticker, which gained widespread cultural attention. The CEO of Telegram expressed enthusiasm about expanding tokenization to include not just individual emojis but entire sets of stickers and emojis, effectively turning them into meme coins.
Scalability is a crucial factor for the success of this project, and Durov emphasized the importance of the blockchain TON’s ability to handle the high volume of transactions that this new functionality will require. He also touched upon the platform’s decentralized structure, which includes an ad revenue sharing model where channels receive 50% of the generated revenue. Furthermore, he proposed a future model that would deliver 70% of tip revenue directly to creators.
Telegram’s move towards tokenizing digital assets not only aims to innovate the way these assets are traded and valued but also to empower content creators through a more decentralized approach. Durov’s initiative represents a significant step towards integrating everyday communication with the digital economy, potentially transforming the way we interact with basic digital content.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article, including those of the author and individuals mentioned, are solely for informational purposes and do not constitute financial or investment advice. Investing or trading cryptocurrencies carries the risk of financial loss.
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